Log W05/2024


Added DYDX and TIA

Added DYDX and STRD to the list of available leasing options


ML Bot (Support)

Introduced a cutting-edge chatbot utilizing machine learning, aimed at providing quick and efficient answers to the community's queries.

Ticketing System (Support)

Implemented a new multi-platform ticketing system to enhance user assistance with queries and issues

Interest Rate Display Update (UI)

The interest rate for lease positions is now shown on a monthly basis. This change reflects the average lifespan of lease positions and simplifies cost calculations over shorter periods.


Enhancement for Lease Positions (UI)

Improved the user interface for opening lease positions. Now, DEX swap fees are automatically deducted from the down payment, offering a clearer understanding of the total costs involved.


Explorer Transition (UI)

Moved from explorer.nolus.io to ping.pub/nolus for enhanced functionality. The new platform is more current, provides more detailed information, and is compatible with the latest government proposal formats.


Targeted News Banners (UI)

Enhanced wallet segmentation has been implemented for news banners. This ensures that users receive only the information relevant to their specific needs and interests.


Swap Price Impact Calculation (UI)

When opening a lease position, the Swap Price Impact is now calculated in conjunction with the swap fees. This integration is reflected directly in the user interface, providing a more comprehensive view of the costs involved.


PnL Consistency (UI)

Resolved an inconsistency issue where the Profit and Loss (PnL) data did not align across lease position, share, and portfolio views. This ensures accurate and consistent PnL reporting across different sections.


Alarms Dispatcher (Oracle)

Update to Alarms Dispatcher: Upgraded to version 0.62.0. This version introduces a more efficient engine that enhances the time-insensitive mode and improves handling of signature verification errors. Additionally, response decoding has been corrected to align with SDK 0.47's standards that was introduced with the Nolus Core Twilight.



Repayment Bot Enhancement: The repayment bot has been updated to exclusively settle leases for the NTRN token only.


Hermes Relayers (IBC)

The Nolus-run Hermes relayers have been upgraded to the latest version 1.8.0. This update introduces a range of new features and enhancements to improve the functionality of Hermes.


Enhancements (ETL)

Added capabilities to support data aggregation from multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and updated the queries to be compatible with the latest Nolus Core Twilight update.