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Manage a DeFi Lease

Find Out How to Monitor and Handle Your Defi Lease

Updated over a week ago

Your position dashboard is a vital tool for managing and monitoring your leased assets. This guide will walk you through the various sections and features available to help you make informed decisions and maintain a healthy position

Top Section: Position Type and Contract ID

The top section displays the type of position (e.g., long) alongside the last six symbols of the contract ID for easy reference. An additional button is available for sharing your Profit and Loss (PnL) details on social networks.

Center Section: Navigating the Asset Price Chart

The center section includes toggle icons that allow you to switch between different views, primarily focusing on the asset price chart:

Asset Price Chart

Powered by Nolus Oracle system, the asset price chart shows the current price of the leased asset prominently at the top. Users can adjust the time frame to view price changes over 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or the maximum available period

Position Balance

This section provides detailed information about your position balance and its USD value, including the size of the down payment, the price per asset for the specific lease, and the liquidation price trigger.

PnL, Health, and Date Opened

PnL, position health, and the date the position was opened are consistently displayed in the center. Users can toggle the PnL view between absolute value and percentage by tapping on it.

Position Health Indicators

  • Red (LTV > 80%): Immediate action is recommended to safeguard the position

  • Yellow (LTV 65% - 79%): Regular monitoring of the position is advised

  • Green (LTV < 65%): The position is in a healthy state

Bottom Section: Key Metrics Overview

The bottom section highlights essential metrics critical for managing your position:


Displays the amount pending for position closure and covers both the principal and interest, making up the total outstanding debt - for long positions debt is denominated in stablecoins, and for short positions in the shorted asset.


Shows the monthly interest rate locked during the contract creation

Interest Due

Interest accrues on an 18-day cycle. If the interest isn't repaid, this amount (excluding the principal) will be deducted from the lease position. When the time to interest collection is less than two days, the amount due will be highlighted in yellow. It is advisable to take action to safeguard the position in its entirety. The tooltip provides the remaining time until interest debiting

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