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Fee Structure

Clear, User-Centric Fee Frameworks

Updated over a week ago

Understanding fee structures is crucial for anyone diving into the DeFi landscape. At Nolus, we aim to maintain a transparent, user-friendly approach, ensuring that our community remains informed and confident in every transaction. This article serves as a comprehensive overview, affirming Nolus's commitment to simplicity and clarity

Interest on DeFi Lease

When initiating a DeFi Lease on Nolus, users encounter a fixed interest rate set at the contract's start. This interest splits into two parts: Loan Interest, primarily benefiting lenders, and Margin (Protocol) Interest, used for periodic NLS token buybacks. This approach creates a balanced and rewarding ecosystem on Nolus

Swap Spread

Similar to other DeFi platforms, users might observe slight price deviations during swaps on Nolus. These deviations arise from factors like available liquidity in the integrated DEX pools and swapped assets volume. These influences contribute to the spread between the expected and actual swap prices

Transaction Fees on the Nolus Blockchain

Nolus, like many blockchain platforms, charges transaction fees for operations. Notably, Nolus stands out with its cost efficiency; fees are notably lower compared to networks like Ethereum. Moreover, Nolus uniquely redistributes these fees back into the ecosystem, offering benefits to NLS token holders through staking rewards. This dynamic ensures a more rewarding and economical user experience

Transaction Tax

Nolus has implemented a transaction tax where 40% of each transaction fee is directed toward the Lender's Incentive Pool. This initiative is designed to reward lenders further, boosting the platform's overall liquidity

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